Define Accumulators


The Define Accumulators function is used to manage time and money banks allocated to employees in accordance with specific criteria defined by the company. This option allows to create what you want to follow-up on (sick leave, dental care amounts, training hours, etc.).






maestro* > Time Management > Human Resources > Accumulator Management > Define Accumulators


Create an accumulator

  1. Enter the required information:

The Configuration icon is used to define entry options for the Code field.





Accumulator code.


Full French description of the accumulator.


Full English description of the accumulator.

Short description

Short description of the accumulator.

NOTE: This description is used to print pay slips.

  1. Enter the required information in the Main Fields tab:




Available values:


This accumulator is incremented when increased and decreased with usage.

NOTE: For example, a bank of floating holidays or sick days.


This accumulator is incremented when the payroll is calculated and incremented with usage.

NOTE: For example, expenses allocated to employees for work equipment.


Management method used to calculate the accumulator.

The choices are: Amount, Hour, Quantity, Bonus Qty, Bonus Amt and Bonus Q/A.

NOTE: Only the Bonus Qty and Bonus Amt choices indicate that a bonus is associated with the accumulator resulting in a deduction or increase at payroll time. The others are only used for information purposes.


Bonus code associated with the accumulator.

NOTE: The accumulator type must be 4 – Bonus Qty, 5 – Bonus Amt or 6 – Bonus Q/A if a bonus is specified. If the type is Bank, entered bonuses will reduce the counter during the weekly process. If the type is Accumulator, entered bonuses will increase the counter.

Type of increase

Available values:


Regular increase at the same frequency, in a single step.


Increase differs by period. Involves several steps. For example, $0 the first 3 months, $300 the rest of the year and $500 after one year of service.

NOTE: If you select Step as the type, the box next to the Calculate from hiring date field must be checked.

Type of initialization

Indicates when the automatic adjustment is made according to specified criteria. Available values:

January 1st

On January 1 of each year.

Hiring Date

On the employee's hiring anniversary every year.

Other Date

Specify the day and month in the Date if 'Other' field.

Senirity Date

On the employee's employment anniversary each year.

Date if 'Other'

Used to specify the day and month, if Otherwas selected in the Type of initialization field.


Maximum year-to-date for this accumulator. A negative maximum can be entered in the field.

NOTES: The system only takes the maximum specified into account if the type is Bank.

You can specify a different maximum from the one in Employee Management, in the Human Resources tab. The maximum specified in the employee's record has priority over the maximum in Define Accumulators.

Measuring unit

Unit of measurement that represents the code.

NOTE: This field is used when certain reports are printed, when adjustments are made to accumulators and when users consult information to show that a bank of money, hours or units is involved.

Vacation Accumulator

Allows the transfer of vacation balances to the accumulator.

NOTE: If this box is checked, the accumulator must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The accumulator type must be set to Bank.
  • The source must be set to Bonus - Amount and a Revenue or Premium bonus code must be associated with the accumulator.
  • The initialization type must be set to Other Date and a date must be entered.
  • The Carry over the balance box must be checked.
  • The Formula section must be empty.

Calculation based on the hiring date

If the accumulator increase type is Step, the counter bonification is calculated from the selected date (the date of employment or date of service) is the box is checked.

If the accumulator increase type is Linear, the system uses date of the last increase, if the box is checked.

Carry over the balance

Accumulator balance carried over to the next year on initialization, if the box is checked. Otherwise, the accumulator is reset to zero.

Initialization = Increase

After all initialization (reset to 0), a counter bonification is immediately performed (addition of the amount/quantity according to the initialization type) is the box is checked.

Warn if lower than 0

For Bank accumulators, a warning message is printed on reports when the accumulator balance is negative, if the box is checked.

Print on the stub

The accumulator is printed on the pay slip, if the box is checked.

  1. Formula section:



Based on the first utilization for increasing this accumulator

The accumulator is increase based on the first use (following a decrease or use), if the box is checked.

NOTE: For glasses, for example. After one year of service, the employee has $300 per year, every 2 years. If the employee uses this amount in March 2023, the next bonification will be in March 2025.

The first date of use is automatically indicated in the employee's file.


(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The formula used for the increase differs according to the accumulator increase type.

NOTE: For example, if the increase type is Linear, only step 1 is used because this is a regular increase.


Number of hours, amount of money or quantity to be added.


Number associated with the frequency (Type field).

NOTE: For example, 3 months, 1 year, etc.


Number associated with the frequency.

NOTE: This field is used for the increase type in Step only.


Frequency used to calculate the increase.

NOTE: For example, every 2 years.


Indicates the frequency of the increase. Available values:


Increase every year.


Increase every month.


Increase every week.


Increase every day.


Increased based on quantity.

NOTE: For example, every month, 4 hours are added to the sick leave bank of each employee.

  1. BANK Type Accumulator section:




Available values:

Not applicable

Non applicable.

Warn if the balance is lower than 0

Avertir si le solde est inférieur à 0 : un message d’avertissement est imprimé sur les rapports lorsque le solde du compteur est négatif, si la case est cochée.

  • Lors du calcul de paie, une note sur le rapport
  • Un message à l’utilisation des compteurs
  • Un message à l’entrée des heures si une prime est utilisée

Can't be lower than 0 if a bonus is associated

Ne peut être inférieur à 0 si associé à une prime.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025